We are 10 days out from hosting the “Best of the Best” Invitational Tournament. We would like to provide a few updates regarding the tournament.
- The 8u and 9u tournament will be held on November 20th-21st in Mocksville, NC.
- We have decided to not include a 10u bracket. We have processed all refunds to teams that had already paid deposits.
- We will be posting tournament rules shortly, keep an eye out!
- Trophies have arrived. You better bring a trailer and some straps to hold these big boys down! 6 foot tall trophies to the winners for 8u and 9u!
See pics of the trophies on our Facebook page.
We are excited to watch some of the best teams in the state battle it out! We have teams committed from all over the state coming to Mocksville to determine who really is the best!
Also, NCRankings.com now has apparel available for purchase.
If you think it is too cold for T-Shirts, we have sweatshirts and hoodies. If you purchase before the tournament, we will have all purchases available for pickup at the tournament.
Order now so you can wear at the tournament!
You need to order by Monday, November 15th.
Go here, NCRankings.com Store
Buy whatever you want, as much as you want. We will have it ready for pickup at the facility.
If you have any questions about the NCRankings Invitational, please contact us at ncrankingsoffice@gmail.com or Phone: 984-279-0222 (Call or Text).